keskiviikkona, huhtikuuta 02, 2008

Villieläinten auttajia kaivataan

Tänään tuli tällainen posti:
Halutaan saada kasaan vapaaehtoisia ihmisiä jotka ovat valmiita toimittamaan luonnosta löytyneitä haavoittuneita villieläimiä hoitoon Korkeasaareen.
Löydettäessä haavoitetun eläimen vapaaehtoisen lähialueella hänelle soitetaan ja kysytään voiko hän toimittaa eläimen Korkeasaareen. Kyseessä on vapaaehtoistyö joten et sitoudu mihinkään. Ellet juuri silloin pysty kuljettamaan eläintä kysely menee eteenpäin.
Vapaaehtoisia koulutetaan työhön. Verkoston on tarkoitus kattaa koko maan. Ilmoittaudu Philip Dragoumikselle, s-posti: tai puh 0504149157

Dear Friends,

I have recently been working closely with Korkeasaari staff of the
Wildlife Rehabilitation Section -- the objective was two things:
1) helping to organize the opening the wildlife rehabilitation project
to international volunteers in coordination with Maailmanvaihto
2) organizing Finish volunteers who will help (in their free time, and
whenever they can) by collecting an injured wild animal and
transporting it to Korkeasaari.
This is urgently needed to help more wildlife and be more efficient,
but cannot be organized by the zoo alone.
Korkeasaari is taking wildlife from all Finland, so we need people
from all over the country.
So the International Nature Network will assist Korkeasaari in these
very important tasks.

For the time the system will work in this way:

Whoever wants to participate in helping wildlife should send to me an
email with the following information

mobile phone
Full address

If an animal is found close to his area he will receive a phone call
and will be asked if he can help with transportation in his free time.
If he cannot help this time, the organizer will phone the next closest
person in the area. Don't hesitate to join, even if your free time is
limited. We need a long list of many people, a wide network of people
interested in wildlife!

Training in handling and first aid will be organized as soon as the
list is big enough.
Please forward this email to anybody you think might want to

Philip Dragoumis